Star Gazing

 Why am I allergic to the outside?

It's that time of year again, runny eyes and nose, constant sneezing, and a runny nose. 

It's not covid, it's pollen. And snow mold. 

I love spring. Rain is my favorite weather. Lilacs are my favorite wildflower. Sitting outside is back, as are barbecues and camping. We get to shake off the dullness of depression and winter and I can break out my jorts and sandals. 

There is something about the hope of spring that just seems to make everyone a little happier. Dare I say that it puts a spring in their step? Yikes, that was bad. I just love a dad joke. As the days get longer and warmer it means that I get to do more of something I love very much. 

Sitting around a fire or wrapped up in a blanket, or both and looking up to the stars can fix a lot of problems. And if you're spending with people you care about, you can start fixing the world's problems as well. It is one of the most peaceful ways to spend some time. Speaking quietly in the dark with a good friend is worth hours of therapy in my opinion.

I can't say I am super knowledgeable about the constellations and what they mean, but I do have an app for that. 

Looking at the stars is probably the only time I don't like listening to music. The darkness instead encourages whispers and sitting close. The crackle of the fire or the call of a bat is really the only background noise needed. The time spent is contemplative, you feel like you can share secrets and they will be kept. I guess for me, this time is sacred. It's the closest to what I imagine true believers feel when they sit in their churches. 

There is safety in the dark. Everyone and everything moves just a little more slowly. If you haven't spent time laid back in a chair, or in the back of a truck with a close friend and watching for satellites, what is stopping you? I recommend that you add it to your list for when the nights get a little warmer. And pack layers. Our skies here are large and beautiful, find a dark sky reserve, or head a little outside of the city for the best experience. 

Music Corner

I am a little late with this one. But we just enjoyed(?) our third winter giant snowfall on Friday, and we haven't passed the May long weekend yet, so maybe even now this is a little hopeful. The First Day of Spring by The Gandharvas is the perfect grunge song for this time of year. The song was released in 1994 on the London, Ontario band's first album. 

The lyrics speak of moving forward and dropping those things in the past that have held you back. Very apropos for this time of year. 

Shopping Corner

Guide to the Night Sky

Blanket for Star Gazing


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