Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Today, in Canada it is the Day for Truth and Reconciliation . The government has put aside this day as a way to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools. Members of churches and the RCMP would tear these children away from their parents and homes and place them in "schools" where the hope was to assimilate these children into society. Instead, these places became torture chambers. Abuse of all kinds was perpetrated on these kids. Many ran away from the schools trying to get home. Sadly most of these schools were hundreds of miles away from their homes and most of the children never made it home. These schools were all over the country and the finding of lost children has just begun. With every discovery the wound is reopened, the child and family are lost again. The last school was closed in 1996. The first official apology was not issued until 2008. Before September 30th became the Day for Truth and Reconciliation it was known as Orange Shirt Day. Ora