The Royals Are Here

 Some of the royals have landed in Newfoundland. 

Prince Charles and Camilla to be exact. 

Their visit is a part of the platinum jubilee celebrations, it also feels like a soft launch of his monarchy. I can't say that I am a huge fan of the royal family. I don't have any tea towels with their faces on them, and I can't say that the idea of going to see them in public is something I would be a part of, but as we say around here: let people enjoy things. 

I am not going to get into the debates about taxpayer money funding their lives, or if the need for the monarchy and their role in our government is outdated. For me, they have always lived on the same level as Harvey the Hound, just more expensive. 

Figureheads have their place, and these ones need to move with the times as much as the rest of us do. Earlier this year Wills and Kate did a whirlwind tour of the British territories in the Caribbean. It wasn't the most successful trip, and maybe someone should have done more research about the itinerary before the royal couple started out. A few months before they landed, Barbados made the decision to cut ties and become a republic. That visit was a little chilly. In fact, most of their visits were not quite met with the cheering crowds of past visits. Some news agencies started to refer to Kate as "colonial Barbie". Her lavish gowns and fancy jewelry made her a target for those who think that the royals should fade into the history books. 

The queen in particular has always struck me as kind of a sad figure. I can't imagine having to live your whole life always being questioned and examined. She persisted though, and despite all of her most difficult moments on display, she keeps going. Recently, she chose to go to a horse show over opening parliament. And really, at 96 shouldn't she be able to go where she wants?

I don't know what the future holds for the monarchy in this country. In some ways, I hope they stick around as expensive mascots. Tourism of the places they visit always increases, and the people who look up to them get a chance to see them in person. In a way, they are like the great aunts and uncles in your family. You've heard many stories about them, they bring presents, and sometimes they embarrass you. Do I think that the royal family needs to modernize and perhaps change? Yes. But can't that be said about all of the ultra-rich?

Another similarity between royal visits and family visits is that you never know what could happen. Charles and Camilla showed up in St. John's on their fancy royal plane. Some of the gravitas was lost though when I noticed what looked like one of the window hockey flags hanging out of the pilot's window at the front of the plane. So classy.

Here is hoping that Charles and Camilla can keep it together later this week when they visit the north. The last time they were up there, they were treated to a performance by, some throat singers. For some reason, it gave them both the giggles, no stiff upper lip for them at that point. Which didn't win them any fans. 

I suppose, ultimately, the choice is really up to the royals themselves. If they want to stick around, it may be time for them to stop pretending that we need them, and start actually serving their public; in ways other than photo ops, declarations, and sad faces.

Music Corner

Given the topic of throat singing, today's song features throat singing with some folk music. Northern Lights by The Jerry Cans. The band itself is from Nunavut and mixes Indigenous music, themes, and language with driving guitars and illustrative lyrics. 

Shopping Corner

The Wicked Wit of the Royal Family


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